This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or other education program that receives federal funding. It was enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1972 and states, in part: 

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." 

You may be familiar with Title IX in the context of athletics programs, but Title IX also prohibits sex-based discrimination that results from sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment), sexual violence (including sexual assault and domestic/dating/intimate partner violence) and stalking. 

In part, Title IX requires institutions of higher education to employ a Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator is the individual designated by the university to coordinate the institution’s Title IX compliance, including overseeing all Title IX complaints and identifying and addressing any patterns or systematic problems that arise during the review of such complaints.

The Title IX Coordinator is also responsible for: 

  • Determining whether the complaint allegations are prohibited sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual violence, or stalking.
  • Appointing an investigator to conduct a formal investigation, when appropriate. 
  • Ensuring reports and complaints are handled properly in a prompt and timely manner. 
  • Informing participants (complainants, respondents, and witnesses) of their rights during a formal investigation and what campus and community support resources are available to them. 
  • Confirming all parties have been notified of the OCRTIX’s conclusion and the right to, and procedures for, an appeal, if applicable. 
  • Maintaining information and documentation related to the investigation in a secure manner, consistent with the university's obligations to disclose information as required by law. 

In addition, schools are required to have a published complaint resolution process that explains how to report an allegation of harassment or discrimination, list campus and community-based support resources for the parties involved in the investigation process, offer support measures for the parties involved in the investigation process, and explain possible disciplinary procedures. Please see the Title IX Resolution Process (TIXRP) for more information. 

Allegations of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation which are not covered by Title IX, such as racial or disability discrimination, are handled by the OCRTIX in accordance with the Discrimination Complaint Resolution Process (DCRP)