This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Report a Crime


If a serious crime or incident has occurred that may cause an imminent or ongoing threat to the campus community, please call 911 immediately.


To file a police report contact 911 or for each campus:

CampusEntityPhone Number
LawrenceKU Police Department785-864-5900
EdwardsKU Police Department785-864-5900
Kansas CityKU Medical Center Police Department913-588-5030
SalinaSalina Police Department785-826-7210
WichitaKU School of Medicine Wichita Security316-293-2662
KLETC HutchinsonReno County Sheriff’s Office620-694-2800
KLETC Dodge CityDodge City Police Department620-255-8126
KLETC HaysHays Police Department785-625-1030
KLETC ParsonsParsons Police Department620-421-7060


Anonymous Reporting

Make anonymous reports using the Crime Stoppers Program for each campus:

CampusPhone NumberAlternate
Kansas City816-474-8477Text "Tip452" and your message to 274637
Salina785-825-8477Text “SATIPS” and your message to 274637
Wichita316-267-2111800-222-TIPS or submit online

Title IX

To report sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking incident, please use the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Reporting Form.

Campus Security Authority (CSA)

CSAs should report crimes using the Campus Security Authority Reporting Form.


If you have any questions about reporting requirements, or would like to discuss the specifics of an incident, please contact the OCRTIX at 785-864-6414 or by email at