This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Pregnant and Parenting Information and Resources

Title IX and other protections afford rights to pregnant and parenting students and employees.

Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Title VII entitles students and employees to certain rights based on various pregnancy and parenting statuses. 

Pregnant and parenting students must receive the same access to school programs, activities, and education opportunities that are available to other students.

“Pregnancy-related conditions” include pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, miscarriage, termination of a pregnancy, conditions arising in connection with pregnancy, and recovery from any of the above conditions.

These accommodations involve needs related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, recovery, and more. Some examples include:

  • Excused absences for medically necessary appointments
  • Assignment extensions
  • Rescheduled exams
  • Breaks for nursing and bathroom use
  • Referrals to University and community resources
  • Access to lactation rooms
  • Accessible desks
  • Remote learning and/or missed work make up

The protections extend to any place the educational environment extends to. This includes the classroom, student activities, labs, fieldwork, study abroad, employment settings, and more. 

Lactation rooms by campus

Lawrence Campus

Lawrence campus offers over a dozen designated spaces for lactation across campus.

Edwards Campus

The lactation room is located in the Regents Center 111K, directly behind the Welcome and Success Center Front Desk

Medical Campus (Kansas City)

Various lactation related resources can be found using SSO access.
Lactation rooms are located throughout our campuses in Kansas City, Salina and Wichita. Through a reciprocal agreement with our health system partners, space is also available in The University of Kansas Hospital. Rooms are private and located throughout campus.

Lactation rooms by campus

Salina Campus

Salina’s room is located off the Community Room in the basement at 138 N. Santa Fe.
Lactation rooms are located throughout our campuses in Kansas City, Salina and Wichita. Through a reciprocal agreement with our health system partners, space is also available in The University of Kansas Hospital. Rooms are private and located throughout campus.
Photo of lactation space in Witchita

Wichita Campus

The Lactation Room is adjacent to Roberts Amphitheater.
Lactation rooms are located throughout our campuses in Kansas City, Salina and Wichita. Through a reciprocal agreement with our health system partners, space is also available in The University of Kansas Hospital. Rooms are private and located throughout campus.

Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center

If you need assistance in identifying a space, please contact for assistance.

I’m a pregnant or parenting student, and I need help accessing these accommodations. Who should I contact?

Email and someone will reach out to help! 

What should I do if I’ve experienced discrimination related to my pregnancy or parental status?

You can report an incident of potential harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct or retaliation with the OCRTIX using the online incident report form, by email at, by telephone at (785)-864-6414, or in person at our office. Upon receiving a submitted incident report, the OCRTIX will provide you with an acknowledgement of receipt within three working days. 

Include the following, to the extent known and available, in your report: 

  • Name and contact information (ex. address, telephone, e-mail) for the complainant. The complainant is the person alleged to have experienced discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation. 
  • Name and contact information for the respondent(s). The respondent is the person alleged to have engaged in discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation. 
  • Names and contact information for any witnesses to the alleged violation(s). 
  • Date(s), time(s), and location(s) of the alleged violation(s). 
  • Nature of the alleged violation(s), i.e., disability discrimination, racial harassment, retaliation, etc. 
  • Detailed description of the specific conduct that is the basis of the alleged violation(s). 
  • Copies of any documents or other tangible items pertaining to the alleged violation(s). 
  • Any other relevant information. 

Please note: Mandatory Reporters must report potential incidents of discrimination, including pregnancy and parental status discrimination, to the OCRTIX. All employees (including undergraduate, graduate, faculty, staff, post-docs, lecturers, affiliates, and more) at the University of Kansas, with few exceptions, are mandatory reporters and are required to report incidents of which they know, or have reason to believe, may have occurred. For more information, please see the Mandatory Reporting policy or visit the OCRTIX Mandatory Reporters webpage.