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Discrimination Definitions


AgeAge discrimination occurs when an applicant, employee, or student is treated adversely because of their age. 
AncestryAncestry discrimination occurs when an applicant, employee, or student is treated adversely because of their country, nation, tribe or other identifiable group of people from which a person descends.  It can also refer to common physical, cultural or linguistic characteristics of an individual's ancestors.

Disability discrimination involves treating an applicant, employee, or student adversely because of their disability.

A student or employee is disabled if:

  • They have a physical or mental condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities;
  • They have a record of a disability; or
  • They are regarded as having a disability.
EthnicityEthnicity discrimination involves treating a group or a member of that group unfavorably because of their present or past lineage and genealogy, including national origin and race/color.  Discrimination based on a person's ethnicity can also involve treating people unfavorably because of who they are related to or married to or their connection with ethnic organizations or groups.
Gender Expression

Gender expression discrimination involves adverse treatment of a person (an applicant, staff, an employee, faculty member, or student) because of the way that person chooses to express their sexual identity and often involves expressions related to an individual's femininity, masculinity or androgyny.

Gender expression is external and socially perceived. Gender expression refers to external characteristics and behaviors that are socially defined as either masculine or feminine.  Manifestations of gender expression are found in dress, mannerisms, speech patterns, societal preferences and norms and in other social interactions.

Gender IdentityGender identity discrimination involves treating a person (an applicant, an employee, faculty member, or student) unfavorably because of a person'ssenseofbeingmaleorfemale,resultingfromacombinationofgeneticandenvironmentalinfluences. Gender identity is a self-concept or self-identity made by that individual person.
Genetic InformationGenetic information discrimination involves treating an applicant, staff, faculty member, or student unfavorably because of information about an individual’s genetic tests and/or the genetic tests of an individual’s family members, as well as information about the manifestation of a disease or disorder in an individual or their family members (i.e. family medical history). Family medical history is included in the definition of genetic information because it is often used to determine whether someone has an increased risk of getting a disease, disorder, or condition in the future. Genetic information also includes an individual's request for, or receipt of, genetic services, or the participation in clinical research that includes genetic services by the individual or a family member of the individual, and the genetic information of a fetus carried by an individual or by a pregnant woman who is a family member of the individual and the genetic information of any embryo legally held by the individual or family member using assisted reproductive technology.
Marital StatusMarital Statusdiscrimination involves treating an applicant, staff employee, faculty member, or student unfavorably with regards to the institution of marriage. 
National OriginNational origindiscrimination involves treating an applicant, staff employee, faculty member, or student unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the world, because of ethnicity or accent, or because they appear to be of a certain ethnic background (even if they are not).  National origin discrimination also involves treating people unfavorably because they are married to or associated with a person of a certain national origin or because of their connection with an ethnic organization or group.  Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the discrimination are the same national origin.
Parental StatusParental statusdiscrimination involves treating an applicant, staff employee, faculty member, or student unfavorably for being the parents of young children, caring for elderly parents and sick significant others.  This also includes violations of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) which forbids treating a woman unfavorably because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth; when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, such as leave and health insurance, and any other term or condition of employment.
PregnancyPregnancy discrimination means treating an applicant, employee, or student adversely because of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.  
Race/ ColorRace/colordiscrimination involves treating an applicant, staff employee, faculty member, or student less favorably because they are of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race (such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features). Color discrimination involves treating someone unfavorably because of skin color complexion.  Race/color discrimination also can involve treating someone unfavorably because the person is married to or associated with a person of a certain race or color or because of a person’s connection with a race-based organization or group, or an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a certain color.  Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the discrimination are the same race or color.

Religious discrimination means treating an applicant, employee, or student adversely because of their religious beliefs.  This protection not only applies to people who belong to traditional, organized religions, but also others who have sincerely held religious, ethical or moral beliefs. 

Religious discrimination can also involve treating someone differently because that person is married to or associated with an individual of a particular religion or because of their connection with a religious organization or group.

SexSex discrimination means treating an applicant, employee, or student adversely because of that person’s sex.  Sexual harassment and sexual assault are forms of sex discrimination.
Sexual OrientationSexual orientation discrimination means treating an applicant, employee, or student adversely because of that person's sexual orientation (gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual etc.) or because that person is perceived to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, etc.
Veteran StatusVeteran status discrimination involves treating an applicant, employee, or student adversely because of past, present, or future affiliation with a branch of the Armed Services of the United States to include all active, reserve, and guard components.