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Jimmie Joe Kelso

Jimmie Joe Kelso

After completing his bachelor of science in biology degree from Tennessee A&I University, Jimmie Joe Kelso was drafted into the United States Army. Instead of joining the Army, Kelso elected to join the Air Force as a medical service specialist.

While enlisted in the Air Force, Kelso received honors and accolades for his performance. He also met an alumnus of KU Medical Center who he felt demonstrated exceptional medical training and who inspired Kelso to enroll at KU.

Kelso was admitted to the School of Nursing 1969 and, in 1971, became the school's first African American male graduate. Kelso continued to break barriers at KU, enrolling next in the School of Allied Health, the precursor to KU School of Health Professions. In 1973, he became the first African American graduate of the nurse anesthesia program. Kelso served as a member of the Department of Nurse Anesthesia from 1973 to 1984, first as a non-faculty teaching assistant, then as an instructor, ultimately being awarded tenure in 1982. He later worked as a nurse anesthetist in Kansas City.
Jimmie Joe Kelso, School Of Nursing Portrait, 1970
Jimmie Joe Kelso, Faculty Portrait, 1976.

Jimmie Joe Kelso, Faculty Portrait, 1976.

Nurse Anesthesiologists Group Photo, 1972.

Nurse Anesthesiologists Group Photo, 1972.