campus view

Safety and Well-being for all Members of the KU Community - OCRTIX Mission

As a One University office, we are committed to being an institution that is free from discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual violence and retaliation.
We strive for a campus where greater fairness, care, and belonging are integrated into our learning and workplace practices and all have opportunities to meet their academic and professional goals.

click here for the KU Medical Center OCRTIX information

Our Office

Responds to reports, assesses and responds to impact, supports pregnant and parenting students, engages in outreach, and oversees Clery compliance.

A One University Office

The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX (formerly "Institutional Opportunity and Access" and "Equal Opportunity and Academic Compliance"), serves all KU campuses, instructional sites, and anywhere the educational environment exists. We are dedicated to stopping, preventing, and remedying acts if harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct, resulting in the building of a greater sense of belonging for all.

As a One University Office, we serve every corner of the entire KU system. From the the Lawrence, Edwards, and Medical Center campuses, to instructional sites in Juniper Gardens, Topeka, and more. We also follow the KU community when they are engaged in educational and university sponsored work outside our physical campuses, like study abroad trips and conferences.
Photos of 1 building on each main campus

What Informs OCRTIX Practices and Policies?

Title IX

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Clery Act

The Clery Act provides the campus community with timely, accurate and complete information about crime and the safety of campus in order to make informed decisions to keep themselves safe.

Various Civil Rights Laws

From the 1960s through today, civil rights laws have been created and required to be implemented on university campuses. These civil rights laws have informed classification of protected classes.

Helpful Links

KU Medical Center

The Office of Civil Rights at Title IX on the KU Medical Center has it's own website to highlight. All staff in OCRTIX are trained to serve all campuses.

KU Policy Library

The University of Kansas Policy Library is the repository for all policies and policy-related documents at the University of Kansas. OCRTIX oversees several policies.

Office of Integrity & Compliance

The Office of Integrity & Compliance (OIC) strengthens the culture of the University through a commitment to the highest integrity & compliance standards.

University of Kansas Hotline

The University of Kansas recognizes its obligation to employees and constituents to maintain the highest ethical standards. The hotline facilitates anonymous reporting of suspected violation of laws, policies or standards in a manner that facilitates resolution and assures non-retaliation.