Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct is an act of violence, whether physical or emotional. It is the use of power and control to harm and/or intimidate another person. Sexual misconduct includes but isn't limited to non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, dating/domestic violence and stalking.

Sexual misconduct occurs when there is an absence of freely and clearly given consent. Consent is an affirmative "yes," and not simply the absence of a "no" or "stop." A person who is incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent.

Sexual misconduct violates university policy and codes of conduct, federal law (Title IX), and can be investigated and result in consequences regardless of or in addition to any external legal proceedings.

(See the Definitions page for additional explanations of Sexual Misconduct.)

Recommended Reporting Steps:

If I have experienced sexual misconduct and/or sexual violence, we recommend that you consider the following steps:

  1. Seek medical attention.
  2. Contact an advocate.
  3. File an incident report with KU's Office of Civil Rights & Title IX.
  4. File a criminal complaint​.
  5. Seek additional resources and support.

Talking with a KU Faculty or Staff Member

Those who experience sexual misconduct and/or sexual violence may feel more comfortable talking with someone they know. Please be aware before sharing incidents that nearly all KU faculty and staff are designated as mandatory reporters.

This means they are required to report incidents of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, to the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX.

The following positions are not mandatory reporters and can keep your information confidential:

CARE (Campus Assistance, Resource, and Education) Services
785-864-9255 |

KU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
785-864-2277 |

University Ombuds
785-864-7261 |

Watkins Health Services
785-864-9500 | studenthealth.ku.eduPatient Portal


For more information on mandatory reporters, and those not classified such, please visit the KU's policy library.