Complaint Process Overview

The University of Kansas is committed to resolving complaints in a timely and effective manner and providing prompt corrective action if it is determined that a violation of university policy occurred.

The complaint resolution process is intended to provide effective resolution for complaints of sexual misconduct, harassment (sexual and racial/ethnic), discrimination and retaliation. Any person claiming to be aggrieved by a prohibited practice at the university may use this procedure, including students, faculty, staff, prospective students or employees, individuals with visiting appointments, and other persons receiving university services or participating in university programs.

Any person in the university community may ask that the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX initiate an investigation of a specific matter. The Office Civil Rights & Title IX may also initiate an investigation when it has reason to believe that discriminatory or retaliatory action is occurring.

number 1

When the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX becomes aware of an incident of discrimination or sexual misconduct, the office immediately begins to explore the issue further to determine the appropriate steps to take based upon the information reported.


Any individual who believes they have been the subject of discrimination or retaliation, or anyone who witnesses or believes that sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination or retaliation may have occurred, should contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX to report the incident.

When the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX receives a report, they will send an outreach letter to the individual affected. This outreach letter will provide information about the office, the processes available, the rights of the individual, and invite the person in to meet with the Civil Rights and Title IX Case Manager. This does not start an investigative process.

Complete the online form to report an incident, or contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX.


number 2

Individuals who may need help and support are connected with campus and community resources and services.


We can refer individuals to campus and community support resources and provide a variety of other supportive measures to assist them and help prevent further harm. These support services are available regardless of whether you file a complaint with our office or a criminal complaint with law enforcement. Examples of supportive measures include contact restrictions placed on the parties, academic accommodations, alternative housing placements, alternative work schedules/locations, course schedule changes and course withdrawal/load reductions.


number 3

A formal investigation will be initiated if the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX determines a formal complaint articulates sufficient facts based on preponderance of the evidence standard to indicate that the University's discrimination policies likely have been violated.


The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX will strive to complete complaint investigations in as timely and efficient a manner as possible within 60 days of receipt of a complaint. The Civil Rights & Title IX complaint investigation process is independent of any other complaint resolution process. Individuals have the right to file a criminal complaint with the appropriate law enforcement authorities.  Individuals may pursue these options in addition to or instead of filing a complaint with our office.


number 4

Following an investigation, the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX forwards the results to the appropriate university office — depending on whether the complaint was filed against a student or employee — for resolution.

Results of Investigation

The Office of Civil Rights & Title IX will provide a written summary of the findings to the respondent and the complainant within a reasonable time following the conclusion of the investigation. In addition, our office will provide a written report of the investigation findings and recommendations to the appropriate administrators within the university who will determine the appropriate action to be taken in light of the investigation findings and recommendations.


number 5

The appropriate university office will work through an informal or formal process to resolve the complaint and identify possible sanctions.

Resolution of Complaint

After receiving the investigation findings and recommendations, KU administrators will determine an appropriate resolution in consultation with the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX. Resolution of investigations may require a hearing in some cases. If both the complainant and respondent independently agree, the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX can assist in resolving the reported concern informally through mediation, educational conversations and other forms of dispute resolution. There are circumstances, however, when due to the severity or pervasive nature of the concern, informal resolution is not appropriate. The informal resolution process is not available when the complaint alleges a violation by an employee against a student.